CE Courses

RESP Basics


Financial advisors will develop in-depth knowledge about RESPs from this course that will be of use to them throughout their career. 

RESPs are highly recommended as a savings strategy for those who will be funding  or helping to fund a child's education. They provide an important opportunity for tax deferral, combined with the ability to acquire government grants, both federally and from some provinces. There are five important aspects of every RESP that the financial advisor should know in order to assist clients:

 – how to establish the plan;
 – how contributions are made (including the intricacies of government incentive programs);
 – how investments should be recommended;
 – how to make withdrawals; and
 – how a plan is terminated.

This comprehensive course provides the necessary details about these steps and includes all up-to-date information including new budget provisions about plan contributions being extended to 31 years from the former 21-year-contribution period. It will also enhance their expertise with clients in a way few other courses will.

Format: Online

No. of Pages: 31 pages

BC CE Credits: 0 hours

AB CE Credits: 3 hours Life

SK CE Credits: 3 hours

MB CE Credits: 0 hours ***

ON CE Credits: 3 hours

QC CE Credits: 0 hours

CFP®: 3

*** Entry of CE for the same course more than once may be permitted on an exception basis only. If an agent wishes to claim credit for a course more than once, the agent must contact Council for prior approval and provide written reasons. This review is subject to the individual course review fee of $50. Please refer to https://www.icm.mb.ca/files/Renewal_2018/Renewal_2018/FAQs_for_website_for_renewal_-_updated_March_2018.pdf for more information.